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28/05/2556 20:29 น. , อ่าน 6,093 ครั้ง
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  เหตุการไฟฟ้าดับพร้อมกันทั้ง 14 จังหวัด ถือว่าเป็นบทเรียนราคาแพงและเป็นเหตุการณ์อยู่ในความทรงจำของคนไทยทั้งประเทศ
เราจึงได้รวบรวมและบันทึกเนื้อหาที่เกี่ยวข้องไว้เพื่อจะได้เรียนรู้และเป็นกรณีศึกษาในโอกาสต่อไป สำหรับท่านที่สนใจ

คลิป  ประชาสัมพันธ์การป้องกันไฟดับทั้งประเทศของการไฟฟ้าฝ่ายผลิต (EGAT)

เจาะประเด็น หาสาเหตุของไฟดับทั้ง 14 จังหวัดภาคใต้

 EGAT: "Blackout in 14 southern provinces caused by lightning at transmission tower"

PHETCHABURI, 26 May 2013 (NNT) – The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) has come out to assure the public that last week’s blackout that hit 14 southern provinces was caused by lightning accident at a transmission tower.

Deputy EGAT Governor Thana Putarungsi, on Sunday, led a group of news reporters to inspect the damages at a transmission tower in Phetchaburi Province, which was caused by lightning earlier this week.

Mr. Thana stated that the damages at the tower led to the widespread blackout in 14 southern provinces as they hampered the transmission of electricity from the central region to the South.

He added that EGAT will add more power cables to help with the electricity transmission in order to cope with rising power demand in the southern region, which is estimated to grow 6 percent per year.

In addition, EGAT is planning to proceed with the construction of new power plants, as stated in the country’s Power Development Plan 2010.

When asked about the cost of damage from the blackout, Mr. Thana said Deputy Permanent Secretary for Energy Kurujit Nakornthap will hold a meeting of the investigation committee on Monday to look into the issues while the Energy Regulatory Commission will meet with representatives from all 3 major power producers to lay down preventive measures and discuss the compensation for those affected by last week’s blackout.




BANGKOK, May 27 – Measures to prevent power blackouts and compensation to southerners from last Tuesday’s outage in 14 provinces in Thailand’s South will be discussed by concerned agencies today.

The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) will hold a meeting with three state electricity generating organisations to discuss prevention of power blackouts and brownouts.

The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) yesterday led a press tour to Ban Tan sub-district, Ban Lad district of Petchaburi province, about 140 km southwest of Bangkok, to inspect the high-power transmission line which was struck by lightning on Tuesday evening, disrupting power supply to the southern region.

EGAT deputy governor Thana Putarungsi told reporters that the 230 kilovolt transmission line will be expanded to 500 kilovolts from Bang Sapan in Prachuab Khiri Kan to Hat Yai in Songkhla and from Khanom in Nakhon Si Thammarat to Phuket in parallel with development of power plants in the South.

Power consumption in Thailand’s South will possibly increase from the current 2,500 megawatts (MW) to 3,000 MWs in the next five years, compelling the EGAT to urgently expand its 800 MW Chana plant next year and its 900 MW Khanom plant in 2016.

The two other major power agencies are the Metropolitan Electricity of Thailand and Provincial Electricity of Thailand.

Kawin Thangsupanich, ERC secretary general, said the regulatory commission has set up an ad-hoc committee, headed by its board chairman Noppadol Mantachitr, to revise the line of command and decision-making to instantly cope with a blackout and prevent expanded damage.

The new guidelines should be finished in two weeks based on the existing measures already enforced in the three power generating organisations.

Another committee, headed by deputy permanent secretary for energy Kurujit Nakornthap, will meet separately today to assess damage from Tuesday’s power outage in the South. (MCOT online news)




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